Linda Jo Nielsen
American Impressionist


Hello Linda. I met you very briefly at the Plaistow, NH library fair yesterday. Sadly, I had very little time, but you kindly handed me a pretty card with your website address. Am glad you did! What a beautiful website; your paintings are so lovely! I am enjoying "taking in" each one of them. I'm an avid road cyclist (cycled 46 miles yesterday). Cycling around our lovely country roads is such a joy! You have wonderfully captured so many of the gorgeous, peaceful scenes I see while on my bike -thousands of miles a year.
Diane Mutchler - 24 Nov 2019
Hi Linda, you are so very talented! Your art work was wonderful when we were teenagers. It's more wonderful now!
Sue Potter - 14 Apr 2014
Well! It's time for the skeletons to come out of the closet, me obviously being one! Glad to see your beautiful work online. I fondly remember our visit back when you were doing those gorgeous animal paintings... ferrets, lions, etc.... just beautiful! My daughter is 18 now ( I think she was around 3 or 4 when we visited)... time flies! Hope all is well with you
Susan Pallete - 23 Jan 2011
Happy Birthday! Was 'chatting' with Sue Hill Potter online (Facebook) and I mentioned it was your birthday. She gave me the link to your always you do beautiful work. Drop me a line Ric
Ric Page - 12 Sep 2009
Very nice Linda, I never saw the painting of the swan, how beautiful. You truely ARE an American Impressionist! Paige
Paige DeRosa-Walsh - 5 Jun 2007
Just dropped in to check out the sight after you called. It is very well done. Nice start. You have some beautiful pieces. Bravo! Thanks for inviting me to paint. I can't wait! Kris
Kristine Picard-Driscoll - 4 Jun 2007
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